Best Microfiction 2024 Nominations: Magazine Editors Only

 Literary Magazine Editors:

We are pleased to say that Best Microfiction 2024 will be published by Pelekinesis in the summer of 2024. The Best Microfiction anthology series considers stories of only 400 words or fewer. Co-edited by award-winning microfiction writer/editor Meg Pokrass, and Flannery O’Connor Prize-winning author Gary Fincke, the anthology will have Grant Faulkner serve as final judge.

We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis from November 1st, 2023 and continuing through to a deadline of December 15th, 2023. Please feel free to nominate stories that have yet to be published in December, as they are stories published in 2023. 

Each nomination should be a separate submission. At the top of each submission, please write your own name, the name of your magazine, and the author's name and e-mail address.

You are welcome to nominate up to five microfiction stories that were published by your publication in 2023. Please do not include work that has already appeared in an anthology or 'best-of' list, or that has won a prize from another competition. If your nomination wins an award after our selections have been made, that's fine. But if the work has already won an award, please do not submit it here.

So, to summarize...

1. 400 words or less
2. Limit of five nominations published in 2023
3. Deadline December 15th, 2023

At the top of each submission, write:
1. your name
2. the name of your magazine
3. author's name and e-mail address

Not accepted:
1. work previously published in anthologies
2. work published in 'best of' lists
3. prize-winning stories from other competitions

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Best Microfiction anthology series, and good luck!!

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.